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STS Aviation Services Now Offers Aircraft Fuel Tank Health Checks

Aircraft Fuel Tank Health Checks

As we all know, aircraft weren’t meant to sit around. Because of this, fuel issues are common once they are brought back online. Peace of mind follows alongside the assurance of fleet readiness.

  • Fuel tank health checks available for all aircraft types
  • Includes microbiological contamination testing, sealant quality checks and verification, visual tank and fuel system inspections and positive pressure testing
  • Fixed pricing structure, with reduced price rectification of any defects discovered on inspected aircraft
  • Make sure that your fleet is ready to fly when you are

If you would like to learn more about the fuel tank health check services now being offered by STS Aviation Services, please contact Dan Hughes, Head of Commercial, at [email protected]. If email isn’t your thing, we invite you to call us at +353 61 717171.