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STS Expands its Aircraft Engineering Services in Latin America

The expansion of STS Engineering Solutions‘ (STSES) stronghold in Latin America has been both challenging and rewarding. Based on the fact that business potentially follows after establishing a credible / meaningful relationships, STSES started sowing the seed, so to speak, more than two years ago.  Our Business Development (BD) team culminated this necessary relationship upon participating in local Latin American MROs. In addition, understanding our customers’ needs became paramount, and upon receiving our first engineering projects in the region, cost-effective and prompt follow-up service was required at all times.

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MRO Americas Opens New Doors for STS Aviation Group

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MRO Americas 2016 was a huge success, not only for STS Aviation Group but for everyone I had the pleasure of meeting with both during and after the event. Connections were made, relationships were formed and expectations were exceeded. I’m proud to have been in attendance this year, and I’m prouder still of how my team banded together to deliver a very successful show for our company.

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STS Air-Pro: Re-engineering and the Introduction of Lean Manufacturing

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When STS acquired the assets of Air-Pro and created STS Air-Pro, we understood that there were opportunities to improve the business. The company had a strong brand name, a highly skilled and dedicated workforce and strong capabilities for the manufacturing of aerospace hoses. One of the biggest opportunities that we recognized, however, was the opportunity to re-engineer the business and implement lean manufacturing principles.

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Client Services Keeps STS Aviation Group Flying Forward


Every position and department at STS Aviation Group works toward a common goal, which is to provide the aerospace industry with the personnel and resources it depends on to keep flying. The Client Services’ division at STS is no exception, but before I continue, I would like to take a brief moment and introduce myself. After all, this is the first time I’ve been asked to contribute to the company’s Quarterly Newsletter, and it makes sense for us to start in the obvious place.

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STS Component Solutions Expands its Global Inventory to Mainland China


STS Component Solutions (STSCS) prides itself  as global provider of aircraft inventory and supply chain solutions, and each year it  looks to expand its footprint.  In 2014, STSCS  launched its  first step into the emerging Asia Pacific market by  establishing an inventory warehouse in Singapore. In July 2015, it  further expanded this footprint by establishing a stocking inventory location in mainland China.

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